“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This was the motto of our company meeting this year.
We asked everybody from the company attending the event to take some photos which would reflect this great quote. Next, we asked all OTGS folks to vote for the best one.
Time to announce the winners……..
Best shot in the Single picture category
The best picture in the “single picture” category is this one by Vincenzo Carrubba.
Best shot in the Single picture category by Vincenzo Carrubba
Here are some comments from OTGSians who voted for this picture
Konstantinos Galanakis
“I voted for this because, in my opinion, it was the one that closely represents the topic of the competition. Speed might be nice, but endurance is better. Quoting from Wikipedia
“Endurance (also related to sufferance, resilience, constitution, fortitude, and hardiness) is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue.”
So in order to go far, we need to go together. OTGS needs all of us to go far. Congrats to the photographer.”
Kasia Janoska
“The picture is beautiful. When I recall that night I think this is the best picture defining “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. If I went alone I would probably sit in the first pub I came to. Because we were all together and were really enjoying our walk, we went really far to have fun. It was not the first likely spot but it turned out it was the best place in the area. ”
Konstantinos Kouratoras
“I liked the perspective and the lighting of the photo. Also, it reflects the topic of the contest, illustrating the whole team moving towards a common goal (even if it was beer drinking at that time). :)”
Best shot in the Collage category
The best picture in the “collage picture” category is the following one by Konstantinos.
Best shot in the Collage category by Konstantinos Kouratoras
Why OTGS folks voted for this one
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin
“It has a common theme. People jumping into water. Different people, but together. On the same boat and in the same water – literally and otherwise. Of the other “collage” entries, it technically looks the most well thought-out. That is, it has a nice background and frames. Even if it was done with an app that allows you to do this easily, it’s still more polished than other ones in this category.”
Andreas Panagiotopoulos
“If we observe each picture one by one we will see that reaching the sea is one jump away. You can touch the sea very quickly, you don’t need any help to do it.But if we combine the images together we will notice something behind this. We will notice that all of us are jumping in not just to reach the sea, but to reach the whole company waiting below. Together we can go finally to the beach.
It is a clear metaphor that “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
Bruce Pearson
I liked it because it showed the fun we had at the conference.
Nick Lobach
“I voted for this photo because the background is simple and it blends nicely with the photos without distracting you from the foreground. Also this collage has combined all the photos from just one activity.”
About the authors
Vincenzo Carrubba
Vincenzo Carruba
Asked why he had taken this picture and decided to share it for our photo competition, Vincenzo explained:
“I thought about our company slowly but steadily going somewhere together. So I tried to get some pictures.”
That moment, in a Cyprus street, he could see a long queue of people talking and slowly walking together towards a common destination. He also noticed someone walking faster but alone. What an ideal opportunity to fit the motto.
Vincenzo is a professional photographer. He comments:
“As with many things in my life, it started as a passion and then it became a job. I worked for two years in a wedding photographer’s studio”
Kostas Kouratoras
Konstantinos Kouratoras
When Konstantinos, our winner in the second category, was taking his pictures he was on board the boat with his camera during our cruise to the Blue Lagoon. He recalls:
“Crazy people all around me jumping off the boat. What should I do? Just shoot the moments!
“My main thought, not only during the photo shooting but in the whole cruise, was that it would be so great to have our next company meeting on a boat! :)”
Kostas loves photography. It’s his passion and hobby.
Congrats to both winners!
Congrats to both winners! Both pictures remind us of the good moments we had in Cyprus and help us remember that it’s always worth going together instead of alone.
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