English, Hebrew

Itamar Ron



March 1, 2016


Itamar joined OnTheGoSystems in 2016 as a first-tier supporter in the WPML support forum and ever since is helping users with their WPML issues and questions. Besides working in the English support forum, Itamar is also responsible for the Hebrew support forum.


Itamar lives in the north-west part of Israel. His native language is Hebrew. In 2011 Itamar decided to take his career in a different direction and learned web programming in HIT (Holon Institute of Technology). After freelancing for a few years, Itamar found the perfect opportunity at OnTheGoSystems that suits his professional personality.


When it comes to his home and garden maintenance and improvement, Itamar prefers to do things himself and not hire professional help. Solving technical problems and coming up with creative ideas on making his family’s little place on earth better and more pleasant, is Itamar’s hobby and passion.