OnTheGo Systems trade mark policy
OnTheGoSystems Limited owns and oversees the OnTheGoSystems trademark. Thus, any use of the name as part of any project, product, service, domain or company name being the same or similar to the OnTheGoSystems trademark is unauthorized.
However, the OnTheGoSystems Limited applies several principles for allowing use of the mark.
The following clarifies how OnTheGoSystems-related businesses and projects are allowed to use the OnTheGoSystems name, and how OnTheGoSystems-related businesses and projects may not.
- The OnTheGoSystems Limited is interested for others to use the OnTheGoSystems trademark in a manner that will promote the business of the OnTheGoSystems Limited.
- The OnTheGoSystems Limited is interested in denying anyone use of the OnTheGoSystems name to unfairly profit or confuse those looking for official OnTheGoSystems resources.
ONTHEGOSYSTEMS Trademark Usage Policy
OnTheGoSystems Limited will prevent unauthorized use of the name as part of any project, product, service, domain or company name being the same or similar to the OnTheGoSystems trademark.
However, OnTheGoSystems Limited may grant permission to a person or to a corporation (herein “user”) to use the OnTheGoSystems name for projects meeting all the following criteria:
- The user’s project promotes the OnTheGoSystems products and services
- The user’s project is non-commercial in nature, excluding covering costs or contributing to non-profit entities. Use of the OnTheGoSystems mark for any project that runs for profit is regarded as unauthorized use.
- The user’s project does not promote entities that fail to comply with the GPL (General Public License) license.
- The user’s project is not associated with entities that fail to comply with the GPL license.
ONTHEGOSYSTEMS Trademark Permitted Usage
If the user’s project meets all of these criteria, the OnTheGoSystems Limited permits use of the OnTheGoSystems name for any use that is not as part of a domain name.
The permitted use of the ONTHEGOSYSTEMS name is only for referring to, and / or explaining the services of the user. The user is not allowed to use the OnTheGoSystems name as part of a product, project, service, domain, or company name. The user is not allowed to use the OnTheGoSystems name in any way that suggests an affiliation with or endorsement by the OnTheGoSystems Limited or the OnTheGoSystems open source project.
Examples of OnTheGoSystems Trademark Permitted Usage
For example, a user being a consulting company may describe its business as a Web services company, offering products or services under OnTheGoSystems consulting for small businesses; the user being a consulting company may not call its business “The OnTheGoSystems Consulting Company.”
A user may mention the OnTheGoSystems name as part of a page that describes the user’s products or services; the user may not use the OnTheGoSystems name as part of the user’s company or product branding itself.
No user is allowed to use the OnTheGoSystems name as part of a domain name, or use the trademark in advertising.
The policy is not intended to limit commercial activity around OnTheGoSystems. OnTheGoSystems encourages OnTheGoSystems-based businesses, and many of them are thriving in compliance with this policy.
The abbreviation “OG” is not covered by the OnTheGoSystems trademark, and is free for use in any way.
If in doubt about your use of the OnTheGoSystems name, please contact OnTheGoSystems Limited for clarification.