OnTheGoSystems Team Member Stories

The strength of OTGS lies in embracing the diversity of its employees

June 14, 2017

Noman Mo works remotely for OTGS from Pakistan. He is part of the Toolset Support Team and works closely with...

Nigel Anderson

April 12, 2017

Nigel From Sunny Spain to the Emerald Isle! The Nigel Anderson story I’m English but spent...

Serhii Ratushnyi

March 27, 2017

Known to us as Sergey Ratyshnuy. Sergey, what part of the world are you from? Lviv city I live in...

Ivan Maričić

February 20, 2017

It’s 8 am and Ivan is drinking his first coffee. He checks through his e-mails and YT messages before joining...

Vincenzo Carrubba

February 20, 2017

From Special Forces to OTGS Vincenzo Carrubba: “Working in WPML support is a challenging and ever-changing experience.” Vincenzo, you joined...

Minesh Shah

December 6, 2016

Minesh & Rikta Minesh Shah was born in Bhavnagar city, the first child of his parents....

David Garcia Watkins

December 6, 2016

David and Cari David works remotely from the Sierra de las Nieves in Spain The Mediterranean...

Otto Wald – a detective looking for clues to catch the bug

October 20, 2016

Otto lives in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. He tells us: Buenos Aires is a big crowded city, 3m inhabitants,...

Juan de Paco – Toolset lead developer

September 8, 2016

Does this quote from a recent Toolset Development tech report remind you of someone? “I am entangled in the middle...

Adriano Ferreira – Toolset Support Team Leader

August 19, 2016

Me and my middle brother Brazil 2016. A very special country. No, not because of the...

Peter Materna – marketing specialist

July 11, 2016

Courteous, forward-thinking, scholarly, well-traveled. You who know Peter well, would you say this describes our man in Marketing? Peter speaks...

Przemek Mirota – skilled WordPress developer

July 11, 2016

A pleasant young man just 23 years old and with 8 years’ experience as a web developer!Can this be? Let’s...