OnTheGoSystems News

How to successfully hold on to an online job.

This is a sticking point for some people who would love to work online from their own homes. Can you make the grade so that your online job becomes a successful career? OnTheGoSystems is organized into 12 separate teams each with defined team roles. This allows us to identify the needs of both the company and the teams, and also to provide opportunities for anyone in the company looking for new challenges or personal and professional growth. David Garcia Watkins,...

December 10, 2020

Working with OnTheGoSystems is never boring!

What comes to mind when considering working remotely at home? Perhaps you see yourself copy/pasting boring lists of data every day? Are you concerned that the line between work and home life will become blurred? Or maybe you feel anxious about a lack of community and differences in culture.   Allison Rivers, our Employee of the Month, has recently joined OnTheGoSystems and assures us, “I’m never bored!” Let’s find out why. Allison, first tell us a little about yourself. I’m an American...

October 15, 2020

Combining your lifestyle and secular work successfully

This month we are introducing you to Nigel Anderson, Team leader for Toolset Support. Nigel lives in County Wicklow, Ireland with his young family.  Wicklow is famous for its dramatic beauty thanks to the peaceful nature of the Wicklow Mountains and valleys, and the breath-taking scenery along its coastline and it’s only 42 km from the vibrant city of Dublin. Working remotely for OnTheGoSystems, Nigel has been able to select this enviable location to make his home, pursue the lifestyle...

September 17, 2020

Ashraf Hesham – What it is like working as a Quality assurance tester at OnTheGoSystems

Ashraf Hesham is this month’s Employee of the month. We are happy to introduce him to you and tell you about his work here at OnTheGoSystems. First of all. Ashraf, can you explain to us what QA is all about? Certainly. Quality Assurance is popularly known as QA Testing. QA testers work mainly for software development companies to examine and improve the processes which lead to the end-product. It’s a systematic process of determining whether our products or services meet...

August 19, 2020

A first interview at OnTheGoSystems – Izzi Hassan

Our Employee of the month, Izzi Hassan, describes his experience at his first interview for a position at OnTheGoSystems. Izzi, first tell us about yourself I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. My parents are both MBAs from the University of Peshawar in my hometown. My father is a trader in cement here in Pakistan while my mother currently resides in Texas, working as a translator and case handler with refugees. I grew up in Peshawar before moving to Lahore for college...

July 29, 2020

How has working remotely with OTGS benefited your family? – An interview with Andreas Walter

My name is Andreas Walter and I originally come from Germany. My family left Germany in 2012 and settled in Lima, my wife's hometown. We had a significant amount of savings and huge expectations but finding an adequate job was harder than expected.  How did you find the job market in a country like Peru? My first jobs in Peru kept me busy for 50-60 hours a week, with only one day off, no vacations and no paid sick leave...

July 29, 2020

Three good reasons to support WordCamp events and local WPMeetups

Attending a WordCamp resulted in an exciting career move for Kruno Golubić, May’s Employee of the month. We will get to know Kruno better in the following interview. Kruno, where do you come from? I come from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. In fact, I've lived my whole life here. View of Zagreb When I was a kid, there were seven of us living in the same house -my grandparents, my parents, my two siblings, and me. Life is less...

June 8, 2020

Jamal Boulhous – understanding the needs of our clients from exotic Morocco

Here at OTGS we work closely with colleagues from all over the world. It’s wonderful to get to know about their countries and cultures.   Jamal lives and works in exotic Morocco, a North African country bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, distinguished by its Berber, Arabian and European cultural influences. Think of Tangiers, Casablanca, Berber villages in the High Atlas Mountains and camels crossing the Sahara… The view 20 minutes from Ait Ourir Let’s visit Jamal and find...

May 11, 2020

How OTGSians keep learning and contributing to the WP community

Ahmed Mohammed, from Giza Egypt, works with our Compatibility team debugging and fixing issues with themes or plugins. Recently to learn React, he enrolled in a 6-week Bootcamp where there are online lectures and discussion lectures. It's organized by Zac Gordon   Ahmed, what motivated you to learn new programming languages? Back in 2015, Matt Mullenweg asked everyone in the WordPress community to learn JavaScript 'deeply' and, since then, JavaScript and React became heavily used in WordPress core, themes, and plugins....

May 6, 2020

Working from home appeals to me, but can I find a steady online job?

While there are many benefits to working from home online, it is understandable that there are valid concerns. Can I find permanent work online?  I have some skills, but are they enough to ensure a permanent position?  What is it like to work online? Will my employer notice me and keep me on? This month, Bruce Pearson from Australia, our Employee of the month, will address these concerns by describing his personal experiences of working with OnTheGoSystems. Bruce, you started...

April 22, 2020