Czech, English

Jan Štětina



Jan began his career at OnTheGoSystems as a Toolset developer, mainly working on the Toolset Types and post relationships functionality. Currently, he is currently a member of the ATE development team.


Jan resides in Prague, Czech Republic. He speaks English, Czech, PHP, JSX, Python, Bash, Ruby, and a little German. Jan holds a bachelor’s degree in computer sciences from Charles University in Prague, and has been working with WordPress for years. When people ask what he does, his usual reply is that he’s “happily engaged at OnTheGoSystems”. He has adopted the motto “code is poetry” for all his work and for a long time, he used to be deeply involved with the local WordPress community.


Software architecture, WordPress, learning and improving things, programming and IT in general. And also: Nature, ecology and sustainability, mental and physical health, ergonomics, productivity, travelling, railways, hiking, tea, politics, survivalism, absinthe, collecting vinyl records, rebuilding an old house/castle, and many more.