Health and Happiness Journeys of our Remote Team Members (Part VII)

June 26, 2024

Our remote team members are always exploring new passions and finding innovative ways to stay healthy, engaged, and creative through our Body and Mind Movement (BAMM) program.

The BAMM program provides our remote team with yearly allowances to pursue activities that promote physical and mental health, allowing everyone to find their own path to wellness.

The recent, differing choices of our OTGSians show the broad and unique interests of our global team.

Hitting the Right Notes with Guitar Lessons

Diego Pereira, a Supporter from the Compatibility Support team, is using the BAMM program for in-person guitar lessons.

Why did you choose guitar lessons? 

I’ve played guitar since I was a kid, but I have always been self-taught and never took lessons. I’ve never played with other people, so I had no idea of what my level was and how I could improve. Also, I wanted to start studying music theory.

I’m very happy because I’ve evolved a lot since I started. For the first time, I’ve had the opportunity to play with other people in a band, instead of playing alone at home with my headphones on.

Diego performing with the other students during the music school’s showcase

How has choosing this activity benefited you?

Taking guitar lessons was an old goal of mine, but one that I kept postponing year after year. BAMM gave me the boost I needed to finally pursue it.

The program encourages us to pursue activities that develop us personally, and this ends up having an impact on our overall happiness.

Transformative Men’s Training for Personal Growth

This year, Jan Štětina, a Developer from the Advanced Translation Editor team, has chosen a very different activity – men’s training.

Could you tell us more about the activity you’ve chosen?

Basically, it is a year-and-a-half-long transformative training program for men, focusing on self-discovery, personal growth, and self-empowerment. The program combines practical experiences and group support to help participants embrace their true selves and achieve authentic change in their lives.  

It consists of ten weekend retreats and two more extended events: one 10-day stay, four days of which will be spent alone in the forest while fasting, and one meditation retreat.

Why did you choose this training program?

In the past year, I encountered several significant challenges in my personal life. When I discovered the concept of men’s circles and came across this particular training, I knew immediately that it is what I needed to achieve the stability and strength I needed. Moreover, I saw it as an opportunity to improve my life on many levels.

The weekends have been incredibly beneficial, albeit quite challenging both mentally and physically.

Besides that, I now have a new group of friends that I can be exceptionally open and honest with, who are ready to provide support in case I need it.

 A rare selfie of Jan and the dog from the homestead where the retreats take place

What opportunities has the BAMM program provided you with?

The BAMM program covered a part of this training, which is quite expensive, providing me with the opportunity to be active, do something different, and try new things. It is something I am grateful for.

The BAMM program can also motivate people to find ways of personal development. That’s something to welcome with open arms for any particular activity one might choose.

Punching Towards Health with Boxing Training

Jakub Bis, a Developer from the WPML Development team, is using the BAMM program for the gym and boxing training.

Why did you choose this activity?

 I’ll be the first to admit it – my choice is more due to necessity than my pure love for the gym. 

As a programmer, I tend to spend the whole day sitting in front of a computer. So, it is essential to get some physical activity every day. I am not a huge fan of the gym, but it brings great benefits to my body. I enjoy boxing a lot more, however, I have to improve my stamina. At the moment, it is laughable! 🙂 

Jakub focused and ready during a boxing class

How does the BAMM program contribute to your well-being?

The BAMM program keeps me relatively healthy and in good shape. 

In general, I think that the BAMM program motivates people to find activities outside of work. You have some extra money to spend, and the idea of it going to waste doesn’t seem great. Therefore, you start looking for something you normally would not have considered. 

Salsa Dancing into Wellness

Uwagbae Alexander Obayagbona, a Developer from the WPML Development team, finds joy and fitness through salsa lessons.

Why did you choose salsa lessons?

I wanted to do an activity that would be fun, help me socialize, and be physically active. Salsa checked all the boxes.

Salsa dancing keeps Alexander active and energized

How has the BAMM program added value to your life outside of work?

Thanks to the BAMM program, I was able to sign up for this salsa class, which helps my health in different ways. It keeps me physically active and helps me interact with others. I get to meet new people during classes, and that helps me achieve better work-life balance. 

I think that BAMM activities in general help achieve work-life balance and find new ways for personal development.

BAMM in the Past

For years now, the BAMM program has empowered our team members to explore unique paths to well-being. Check out how OTGS team members have used the program in previous parts of this series: Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart V, and Part VI.

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