OnTheGoSystems Team Member Stories

The first time for my son Adam to ride a quad bike!

Employee of the Month – Mohamed Khafaja

February 21, 2019

When remote colleagues become close friends. Can this happen? People who work together in a physical environment easily cultivate friendships...

Employee of the month – Christian Glingener

January 18, 2019

How do you measure job satisfaction? An interview with our employee of the month - Christian Glingener We are all...

Employee of the month – Valentina Volpi

December 21, 2018

Successful job seekers are people with technical skills, effective communication abilities, are adaptable, honest, have reputations as hard workers and...

Employee of the month – Konrad Karpieszuk

November 27, 2018

With David at the city market in Split Living a satisfying, meaningful life obviously involves making...

Employee of the month – Ahmed Ibrahim

October 25, 2018

City of Marrakech Here at OnTheGoSystems, our employees have the opportunity to widen out in their...

Employee of the month – Julia Kovaleva

September 21, 2018

Julia is a very talented designer.  Not only that, but she is quick to understand what is required and always...

Beda Schmid

August 30, 2018

Well, you’ve already read how Beda’s close colleagues feel about him, one of our dedicated Toolset supporters.  We know his...

David Garcia

August 6, 2018

Do you find satisfaction in your job?  What is the secret of finding happiness in your work? David, one of...

Sumit Singh

August 6, 2018

Random click with best buddies Can you identify with Sumit Singh, this month’s Employee of the...

Kostas Kouratoras

May 29, 2018

When is an employee highly valued by his colleagues? When he ... is very knowledgeable, is very detailed in his...

Christian Cox

April 16, 2018

How do you feel about trying something new, whether it be implementing an unfamiliar tool or accepting a new challenge?...

Andreas Panagiotopoulos

March 14, 2018

To ensure our clients are purchasing high-quality products, work done by our developers needs to be verified. For this purpose,...