OnTheGoSystems News

George Botsev

Close friends like to share their stories and memories and George Botsev is no exception. People he works with say he has an enviable deep knowledge of WPML, he is very dedicated and is always there to help with challenging questions.  But what is the man behind the screen really like and what influenced his life? First, I asked him about his childhood and youth. George, what did you want to be when growing up? I remember that the first...

October 23, 2017

Jan Štětina

Can you guess who he is? Photo taken when visiting my friends A person who spends extra time in learning the tools, frameworks, configurations, and methodology in order to help improve his team’s complex work. Someone, whose discerning comments make you say, “Now why didn’t I think of that?” A friend who is never upset and is always happy and helpful! Not too difficult to guess who if you work closely with… Jan Štětina We have...

September 10, 2017

Amit Kvint, a man of many talents!

Amit tells us about his family background: I was born in Israel, originally from a town close to Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean sea. My younger sister (a lawyer and a Java developer), and my parents (a retired chemist and an aviation engineer) are all based there. Like many, I wrote my first lines of code on my Spectrum Sinclair when I was 8 (Basic) - a computer bought for me by my parents. I live with my family: Limor...

August 17, 2017

Luo Yang

People we value at OTGS are persistent, professional in every aspect of their work and very efficient. Luo Yang is one such person.  He works quietly but consistently.  A colleague said, “It’s easy to forget the tasks he takes and resolves, but his impact is very positive and it’s nice to acknowledge that.” Luo comes from Guiyang, the capital of  Guizhou province in southwest China.  It has a population of 4.3 million.  Because of its cool winters and moderate summers...

August 17, 2017

Meet Marine, from our marketing team. See what we’re doing and get ideas for what we can do together with you.

Marine Larmier joined us here at OTGS in July 2016, just over a year ago. Marine comes from France and studied Tourism, European Business Management there, continued her studies in China and the UK and got a Masters degree in Multicultural Web Marketing. Her 4 years of experience in marketing and technology is contributing to establishing our tools, WPML and Toolset, while simultaneously helping out our partners. Marine, would you like to tell us how you try to achieve your...

August 9, 2017

Selena Salustri – Dedicated, passionate, cheerful and has ingenious ideas!

Selena, please tell us how did you join OTGS. I was doing some work for a client and my boyfriend suggested using WPML for translations. I was very new to WordPress and so I decided to buy WPML. Everyone said it was the best so I went for it. Sometime after I purchased the plugin, I received an email that OnTheGoSystems was looking for new people to join the company. As at that time I was searching for a real...

June 22, 2017

Warm, vivacious, talkative. This is our own Marine Larmier

Marine, you are French. What part of France do you come from? My village St Martin du Var by night The name of my village is Saint Martin du Var. It is about 30 minutes from Nice, halfway between the Alps (perfect for winter skiing) and the Mediterranean (perfect for swimming in summer). My parents first met when they were 15 and my father works for Air France, so as children we were fortunate enough to...

June 22, 2017

The strength of OTGS lies in embracing the diversity of its employees

Noman Mo works remotely for OTGS from Pakistan. He is part of the Toolset Support Team and works closely with 8 others each one coming from a different country - China, Indonesia, India, Egypt, Ireland Germany, USA and Jamaica! With such varied time zones coordinating their work is challenging to say the least. So when at the start of the Ramzan month of fasting in Pakistan, Noman asked if he could work 10.30am to 2.30pm, take a couple of hours...

June 14, 2017

Nigel Anderson

Nigel From Sunny Spain to the Emerald Isle! The Nigel Anderson story I’m English but spent 14 years in Spain, living close to Amit, which is how I came to end up starting work at OTGS a year ago. We have similar-aged children who were at school together, and we all became great friends. Last year I relocated to Ireland with my family (my partner is Irish), but settling in has been a slow process. There...

April 12, 2017

Serhii Ratushnyi

Known to us as Sergey Ratyshnuy. Sergey, what part of the world are you from? Lviv city I live in Cherkasy city which is in central Ukraine. It’s about 3 hours SE of Kiev on the west bank of the River Dnieper, the longest river in Europe – ...

March 27, 2017