OnTheGoSystems News

Beda Schmid

Well, you’ve already read how Beda’s close colleagues feel about him, one of our dedicated Toolset supporters.  We know his name, we know his work, but how much do we know of the real Beda? Beda with Jacqueline, his ex-girlfriend, in 2012 Beda comes from Switzerland, from Lucerne, the elder son in a family of four.  Do we find him comfortably living and working in idyllic Alpine scenery? Far from it! Beda is a nomad, not...

August 30, 2018

David Garcia

Do you find satisfaction in your job?  What is the secret of finding happiness in your work? David, one of our developers in the Compatibility Team, has discovered the secret. See if you can find out through his story. David,  it is so nice to have the opportunity to talk with you again.  That was back in the autumn of 2016. A lot has happened since then. OTGS has grown and expanded and many new people have joined us. I’m...

August 6, 2018

Sumit Singh

Random click with best buddies Can you identify with Sumit Singh, this month’s Employee of the Month? It’s 6.30 am in Agra, India and time for a ‘wake up’ cup of tea. Sumit’s workday begins at 10 am, so there is still plenty of time to take some exercise. He is very dedicated to his work and his knowledge of the intricacies of the WPML code is well rooted. He takes escalated issues and follows through...

August 6, 2018

Kostas Kouratoras

When is an employee highly valued by his colleagues? When he ... is very knowledgeable, is very detailed in his work, knows how to move from strict to flexible and is always totally reliable Konstantinos Kouratoras tries not to disappoint his colleagues’ opinions of himself.  Kostas (as everyone calls him) comes from Crete, so let’s meet him: Me wandering around the streets of Brugges Kostas, what did you want to be when growing up? I grew...

May 29, 2018

Christian Cox

How do you feel about trying something new, whether it be implementing an unfamiliar tool or accepting a new challenge?   Do you hesitate? Does even the thought of taking on something new cause you anxiety? Be assured that such feelings are quite normal and can even have a positive impact on your performance.

April 16, 2018

Andreas Panagiotopoulos

To ensure our clients are purchasing high-quality products, work done by our developers needs to be verified. For this purpose, OTGS employs a team of In-development testers and Quality Assurance specialists. Their role is very important and comes with significant responsibilities. Let’s meet one such tester and QA specialist - Andreas Panagiotopoulos from Argos, Greece. Andreas completed his Bachelor and 2 Masters at the university in Athens and, although his time at present is divided between Athens and Argos, he...

March 14, 2018

Konstantinos Galanakis

Konstantinos Galanakis is leading an important and crucial Toolset effort with Views compatibility - a huge task involving learning new technologies.

February 21, 2018

Ana Couto

“She is pure gold here in the company.” Family fun Want to give your best to your work? Would you be encouraged by someone who is willing to share, who is open to discussion and suggestions, who fixes those frustrating issues for you with a big, beautiful smile? Let’s meet Ana Couto from Odivelas a municipality northwest of Lisbon, Portugal. Ana and her partner and 2 young daughters are outdoor people. They love jogging, spending time...

February 19, 2018

Jakub Milczarek

How would you describe Jakub Milczarek in one word? Meticulous, Straightforward, Adventurous? His colleagues say: Meticulous: Jakub spent long long loooong hours talking with different people about their needs and dreams about the support forum and preparing designs afterwards. Then, when we were at the implementation stage, he was there at every single step commenting on every margin, every search result, and every still redundant text or button. Straightforward: He proposed really BOLD changes. I don't think any of us...

December 18, 2017

Dimitris Mitsis

Who dares to step into Andrea’s shoes when he’s on vacation? Who introduced CodeCeption integration tests? Read on… It’s 9.00am. Dimitris Mitsis quickly makes sure he’s online and visible to his teammates so they won’t file a missing-person report – it’s happened before! Well, that’s a good start to the day, Dimitri! Then what? First, I review the tests report. I’ve configured the automated tests to run daily so usually, I spent the first minutes of my day trying to...

November 9, 2017