OnTheGoSystems News

Diego Pereira – how to fulfil your passion for traveling while working

Each month an employee is selected by his/her peers for special recognition based, not only on the quality of work or creative teamwork,  but also for an encouraging positive attitude and, of course, honesty and integrity.  This month Diego Pereira from theWPML Support Team is OnTheGoSystems’ Employee of the Month. We wanted to chat to Diego to find out more about how he works. We’d like to get to know you better, Diego. Would you like to tell us something...

March 5, 2020

Dario Jazbec Hrvatin – working for OnTheGoSystems is something more than a career

My name is Dario Jazbec Hrvatin and I'm in charge of the documentation for all OnTheGoSystems projects. Here's a little story about me and about what it is like working remotely. A bit about my background Ice skating with my daughter Gloria I live in Slovenia, with my wife, our daughter, and the cutest little chihuahua called Mrfi (as in Murphy). When I was young, I always wanted to be a musician. I guess music was, and still is, in...

February 11, 2020

Otto Wald – is it possible to develop your career while working from home?

Working from home, will you become “invisible”? How can you impress your team and team leader and get good performance reviews and promotions? This month’s Employee of the Month, Otto Federico Wald from Argentina.

January 9, 2020

Irina Sozonova – the importance of self-discipline when working remotely

Much has been written on the importance of self-discipline when working from home, but how can these good tips be applied practically and consistently? Let’s learn how Irina Sozonova, who has been working at OnTheGoSystems since 2013, handles this important aspect in her work and in her family life. This is the third time she has been voted Employee of the Month!  Irina, you are a mother of 3 and with a newborn. If anyone wakes up to a busy...

December 9, 2019

Pierre Sylvestre – successfully combining a full-time career with being a caring father

What’s it like supporting a growing family as a divorced parent? In this day and age, broken families are a common occurrence. This month’s Employee of the Month, Pierre Sylvestre, explains how working remotely for OTGS has benefited his family.

November 15, 2019

Getting to know Ahmed Mohammed from the Compatibility team

Let’s meet Ahmed Mohammed from Cairo, Egypt who is very experienced in working with theme and plugin authors wanting to make their products compatible with WPML and/or Toolset. Whenever an issue is reported, Ahmed performs a series of tests to provide a fix so that you will always be pleased and satisfied with your purchases.

October 11, 2019

Working on the Go with Dario: Building your own workspace

Born and raised in Zagreb, Croatia, and now living in Slovenia, Dario Jazbec Hrvatin is a man with family responsibilities. He wanted the security of having a steady job to provide for his family, but also the satisfaction that he’s doing a job he enjoys.

October 7, 2019

Kasia Janoska, keeping the balance between working remotely and living your life

Working remotely appeals to you. You will save time commuting and you can choose where to work – from home, in another country, in a coffee shop, by the beach, in the mountains – the choice is almost endless.

September 19, 2019

Agnes Bury, a bridge between our clients and our Toolset developers

Agnes Bury is our Employee of the Month this time. Agnes is from Poland and has been working at OnTheGoSystems since 2013. She's the master of our Toolset plugins.

September 19, 2019

Employee of the month – Andrea Sciamanna

A leader who is highly valued by his team. What makes a good leader? What qualities does he/she possess which draw out the best from their team members? Andrea Sciamanna Let’s talk with Andrea Sciamanna, leader of the WPML Development team, to find out. Andrea now lives in Aosta in northern Italy. As a youngster, he was always investigating and loved exploring. He recalls wandering with his friends around the ponds and canals in Latina, (70km south of Rome) the...

July 19, 2019