OnTheGoSystems News

Happy and healthy people behind WPML and Toolset plugins

Here at OnTheGoSystems, team members are always trying to keep a good work-life balance. Want to find out how our scholarship program helps with this? Maybe you will find some inspiration to take on something you have been postponing for some time or haven’t even thought about doing. Who knows! We all work hard and want our people to be happy, just as our motto says: “Happy people make great products”. Doing enjoyable, healthy things in our free time makes...

February 1, 2017

The first ever WordCamp held in Kathmandu’s name

Shekhar Bhandari at WordCamp Kathmandu 2016 November 19th, 2016. Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal. With more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the WordPress community hosts 5,000 members in this city, which makes it a very good place for a WordCamp. The first ever WordCamp held in Kathmandu's name was attended by 250 people. Shekhar Bhandari, one of our WPML supporters, joined as a volunteer and has shared his impressions with us   “This was my second time at...

January 5, 2017

OTGS Community review 2016

2016 has been a great year for WordPress. It has increased from 25% to power 27% on the internet today. It  has also been a great year for OnTheGoSystems and the WordPress community itself. We have seen more and more OTGSians interested in attending, speaking and even organising WordCamps. First, here at OnTheGoSystems, we created a new position within the organisation. Its mission is to care for our participation in the community. This space has allowed us to organise materials,...

December 30, 2016

Winter WordPress Community events

Winter has arrived and before enjoying these holidays we have a lot to tell. WordCamps have been held in Manila, Nepal, Athens, Buenos Aires and Baltimore. Our OnTheGoSystems family continues creating communities all over the world. WordCamp Athens This past 19th-20th November, WordCamp Athens was held. This time, we had a super team there: Konstantinos Kouratoras was one of the organisers; Andreas Panagiotopoulos, Mladen Andrejic and Joanna Dawid were part of our representatives team and Dimitris Mitsis had a presentation...

December 28, 2016

Kasia Janoska with John Parkinson on wordpress.tv

At OnTheGoSystems, we are very proud of how much we have achieved in the WordPress Community this year. As a company, as Global Sponsors we try to get involved and contribute as much as we can. We have been participating in as many WordPress events as possible: local WordCamps all over the world from Asia to South America, WordCamp Europe and US, big and small meetups, contributing to WordPress and the Incubator Program. We have even assigned someone in the...

December 15, 2016

Minesh Shah

Minesh & Rikta Minesh Shah was born in Bhavnagar city, the first child of his parents. Soon he was joined by 2 more brothers and 1 sister. His father was a civil servant and his mother a housewife. Minesh is married to Rikta. Bhavnagar Bhavnagar is a coastal city in the eastern Saurashtra region of the Gujarat state of India. The old town of Bhavnagar was a fortified town with gates leading...

December 6, 2016

David Garcia Watkins

David and Cari David works remotely from the Sierra de las Nieves in Spain The Mediterranean climate is wonderful, as most of you know, because the company event was held in Torremolinos in Spain a few years ago. I am fortunate enough to live in the countryside of Malaga province, in a little village called Monda bordering the south side of a natural park, Sierra de las Nieves. Apart from a few villages this isolated area...

December 6, 2016

WordCamp Incubator: WordCamp Medellin experience

On November 5th, I (Andrés Cifuentes), had the opportunity of being part of a great experiment - participating in the WordCamp Incubator program in Medellín. With other 4 volunteers, we were able to bring together more than 90 WordPress enthusiasts at the first ever WordCamp Medellin. What is the WordCamp Incubator Program? WordCamp Medellin The WordCamp Incubator program is an experiment by the Foundation to help expand  WordPress to underserved areas by providing more substantial organizing...

November 30, 2016

Mr. WordCamp

Andrés at WC Antwerp He is from Colombia but lives in Sevilla, Spain. He attended his first WordCamp in Leiden, back in 2013. Here at OnTheGoSystems, we all know Andrés by the nickname of “Mr. WordCamp”. Below is the story of how he earned it. How was it that you first got in touch with the WordPress community and how did it evolve into you becoming Mr. WordCamp? Before attending my first WordCamp (Leiden 2013) I...

November 23, 2016

Let’s get together at a WordCamp

We have been writing lately about our presence at WordCamps as speakers or organisers. Continuing our support of our WordPress community, in addition to being Global sponsors for several years, we are also joining you at the sponsor’s area. We want to be able to reach out to you and receive direct feedback from our customers. WordCamp Nashik Our Indian team attended WordCamp Nashik. Harshad Mane has worked hard during these past months as an organiser and all his efforts...

November 16, 2016