OnTheGoSystems News

OnTheGoSystems, Fourth Annual Conference September 2016. Paphos, Cyprus

We all work remotely and get together once a year to meet in person. We invite you to read below about our last Annual Conference, in Cyprus. Here you can see me, Mercedes, at work. I will tell you the story Monday 7.30 AM. Argentina - I leave home, together with my colleagues Laura (COO & HHRR) and Otto (WPML support). Tuesday 9.30 PM - 32 hours later. Cyprus - we arrive at the hotel, at...

October 12, 2016

Juan de Paco – Toolset lead developer

Does this quote from a recent Toolset Development tech report remind you of someone? “I am entangled in the middle of a task that keeps growing :-P……..  there is no clean upgrade path,….. While working on it, I rescued another request …….So I added it to the mix……And finally, we had another bug…..It all is related and entangled, but makes perfect sense.” A colleague was prompted to say:  "He is doing some crazy Toolset Dev stuff for as long as...

September 8, 2016

Summer WordPress events

WordPress events all over the world never stop, not even in the summer time. More and more OTGSians are becoming involved in the WordPress community. In August, Lauren Jeffcoat spoke at WordCamp Toronto and OTGS members from Argentina organized the next WordPress Meetup in La Plata. WordCamp Toronto 2016 As previously posted, Lauren Jeffcoat was selected as speaker for WordCamp Toronto held August 6-7. Here she talked about the “The power of having a video library on your website”. It...

September 6, 2016

Adriano Ferreira – Toolset Support Team Leader

Me and my middle brother Brazil 2016. A very special country. No, not because of the Olympics, but because Adriano Ferreira our Employee of the Month comes from Brazil. Adriano, tell us something about yourself ….. As you said, I am from Brazil. I was born in Rio and currently live in the small town of Cataguases, in the state Minas Gerais in the southeast. It is a nice, quiet place, with a population of 74.000,...

August 19, 2016

Meet our Ambassadors for upcoming WordPress events!

Who will represent OnTheGoSystems at WordCamps in August and September We are delighted to announce that several of our team members have been selected as speakers for upcoming WordCamps in August and September! Denise VanDeCruze was selected for WordCamp Frankfurt, Dat Hoang for WordCamp Singapore and Lauren Jeffcoat twice - for WordCamp Toronto and WordCamp Tampa. Once again, congratulations! Let’s read what are they going to talk about : Dat In the...

August 4, 2016

Peter Materna – marketing specialist

Courteous, forward-thinking, scholarly, well-traveled. You who know Peter well, would you say this describes our man in Marketing? Peter speaks perfect English and perfect Polish. Of course, since he comes from Poland! From Katowice, to be precise, a city in southwestern Poland and the center of the Silesian Metropolis. Katowice is not too far from the Czech Republic and Slovakia , approximately 1-1½ hours by road. Peter, would you like to give us a tour of your city? It is...

July 11, 2016

Przemek Mirota – skilled WordPress developer

A pleasant young man just 23 years old and with 8 years’ experience as a web developer!Can this be? Let’s meet Przemysław Mirota who lives in Central Poland, in a small town called Zwoleń. “For the last 5 months I have been living with my parents in the very small town of Zwoleń.  A short walk brings me into the forest.  There is no cinema, no swimming pool, in fact nothing to attract visitors, except that the famous Renaissance poet...

July 11, 2016

We love WordPress events – OTGS activity in the WP community in June

What a month! With the number of WordCamps and WordPress meetups increasing all over the world, we barely have time to write about all of them. So, let’s have a review of all events we participated in during this month - besides those where we were WordPress Global Community Sponsors. WordCamp Belgrade 2016 Srdjan attended WordCamp Belgrade 2016 on June 4th, and wrote a detailed summary of this WordCamp. If you missed this WordCamp, you can pretend you were in...

July 11, 2016

WordCamp Europe 2016

WordCamp Europe 2016 is over and it is time to write about it. WCEU is special, but it is even more special for OnTheGoSystems. As the remote working company we are, finding time to meet each other is precious. And WCEU provided the perfect space for that. This year, 25 members of our team were part of the more than 1900 attendees who took over the Museumsquartier in Vienna. We had the opportunity to sponsor this great event, and as it...

July 4, 2016

Attending WordCamp Antwerp 2016: Being a speaker for the first time

For a lot of people this may seem to be a trivial thing: yes, I will see a lot of my WordPress fellows, yes, I will catch up with what they are doing and yes, I’ll get the latest updates from the community... but it’s just another WordCamp, just another talk. For me, it wasn’t anything like that at all. This was my first WordCamp as a speaker, and it wasn’t even in my own native language. It's not easy...

June 28, 2016