OnTheGoSystems News

OTGS October News

The star of this October was definitely the release of WPML 4.5. It allows you to simply let WPML translate your site automatically in the background while you focus on the content in the default language. WPML 4.5.0 WPML 4.5 introduces the new big feature called "Translate Everything" which lets you translate your content automatically in seconds. It's a one-time setting and the translations appear automatically in the background while you can continue creating content. You still have full control...

November 3, 2021

OTGS September News

We used September to finish work on the biggest WPML release ever. It will be released in the first days of October. We also released a new version of WooCommerce Multilingual with great new features. WPML News WPML 4.5.0 We published the WPML 4.5 Release Candidate. This means we're very close to the final release. The main difference between this version and Beta 2 before it, is performance and user experience improvements. We're running this version on our own production...

September 29, 2021

OTGS August News

In August, we continued working on finishing WPML's upcoming big version. It's almost ready and is scheduled for the September release. We also released a new version of Toolset, and with the help from our partners, published a number of useful articles. WPML News WPML 4.5.0 The release of 4.5.0 is in sight. We spent the past month solving issues revealed by the beta and polishing the user interface. Thanks to everyone for trying out the beta and providing us...

September 1, 2021

OTGS July News

In July, we released a Toolset version with stability and performance improvements and continued polishing big features for the upcoming WPML 4.5 release. We also expanded WPML's compatibility and welcomed two new translation management providers. Toolset News During this month, we closely followed the changes coming to WordPress 5.8 and made our last adjustments before having a fantastic release focused on stability and usability.  We closed a large number of issues from our backlog, making this the most stable release...

July 30, 2021

OTGS June Update

From complete performance reviews and deep fixes in the Toolset plugins, to preparing for the much-anticipated launch of WPML 4.5 – June has been productive and exciting! Plus, some great new partnerships have developed, including integration with a new German language service provider. Toolset News During June, the Toolset development team focused mainly on two areas: bugs and usability. One key milestone of the month was a complete review of the performance and usability for the View block, which is...

June 30, 2021

OTGS May News

Stability, performance, and usability of our products are super important and in May, we focused on these for both Toolset and WPML. We also continued working with partners on promoting the many new integrations and compatibility for both plugins. Toolset News During May, the Toolset team focused on stability and performance, completing two minor updates for the 1.5 main release last month. The new View editor in Blocks 1.5.2 works on the front-end and delivers a much faster and smoother...

June 2, 2021

OTGS April News

For us, this April didn't just bring rain but also a big new release of Toolset. We're also on the brink of releasing a beta for our next WPML milestone. Finally, we improved compatibility and made some great new partnerships across the board. Toolset News In April, we completed an important milestone and released Toolset 1.5. Its focus is on three major topics: Extended features and improvements for WooCommerce Compatibility with third-party themes and plugins Performance improvements ahead of the...

May 3, 2021

OTGS March News

In March, we kicked into high gear and entered the finishing phase of our next big projects. Toolset is on the verge of a new release while WPML is wrapping up the main development for the next major update. Toolset News March has been a long and productive month for the Toolset team. We are very close to releasing a huge beta version, closely followed by the official release. This will be a major update, focused on WooCommerce compatibility, along...

April 2, 2021

OTGS February News

We're now well into 2021 and February saw us as busy as ever. While our WPML and Toolset developers are fast at work on big new releases, our partnership and compatibility efforts are in full swing. Toolset News As planned, we had a productive month of February focusing on our main next goals: performance and compatibility.  We are close to releasing an alpha preview for a massive review of how Toolset loads resources. This update will highly improve loading times...

March 1, 2021

OTGS December and January News

The Holiday season is always busy so we packed our December and January news into one post. Toolset Blocks 1.4 is live with cutting-edge new features! We're also in the middle of WPML 4.5.0 development which will introduce a whole new translation workflow. Plus, we have a whole new directory of WPML-recommended themes. Toolset News January has been a fantastic month for Toolset. After several weeks of development and almost a full month of testing, we released Toolset Blocks 1.4...

February 3, 2021