OnTheGoSystems News

Reading the signs: How a WordPress meetup turned into a career for Andres Cifuentes

February’s Star of the Month is Andres Cifuentes! Read about his journey from being a chemical engineer in Colombia, to a web designer in France, and finally a WPML supporter working remotely in Spain.  Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m from Colombia. I graduated as a chemical engineer and I worked in a big pharmaceutical company for a few years. This job allowed me to make some savings  but I wanted to do something different. When the moment came,...

March 29, 2021

Ornela Flores’s success story – “Don’t be scared to speak up”

Ornela Flores from Chile, joined OnTheGoSystems in 2014 as part of the ICanLocalize Support team and now is part of the Integrations Team as a Translation Partners Manager. Ornela is the first contact for WPML's current and potential translation partners. She handles the integration process with translation partners from the very beginning and continues working with them in different marketing initiatives after the integration is live and available for WPML users. Her positive attitude and outstanding communication skills lead her...

March 25, 2021

Making a great online conference experience at WordCamp Prague

My name is Jan, I am a Toolset developer and for the past several years, I have been actively involved in the Czech WordPress community. On Saturday 27th of February 2021, we held an online conference WordCamp Prague 2021.  Switching an interactive, in-person event to the online format while keeping most of its magic has been difficult but certainly not impossible. As this year’s lead organizer, I want to share pieces of this sometimes arduous but extremely rewarding journey, together...

March 10, 2021

OTGS February News

We're now well into 2021 and February saw us as busy as ever. While our WPML and Toolset developers are fast at work on big new releases, our partnership and compatibility efforts are in full swing. Toolset News As planned, we had a productive month of February focusing on our main next goals: performance and compatibility.  We are close to releasing an alpha preview for a massive review of how Toolset loads resources. This update will highly improve loading times...

March 1, 2021

How we turned my prototype into one of our product’s top features

Ivan Čurdinjaković is a developer in our Toolset team. In this interview, Ivan tells us a story of how he came up with an idea to solve a long-standing challenge for working with a mix of static and dynamic content in WordPress. Can you explain the problem you wanted to solve to someone who's unfamiliar with WordPress? Sure! As everyone knows, WordPress allows you to create and manage sites. It comes with some default information for your pages like the...

February 24, 2021

Olivia O’Prey on winning the lottery and “learning the lingo”

What would you do if you won the lottery? Our January Star of the Month, Olivia O’Prey found herself in that very scenario, then needed to decide what to do next!  Her journey took her through Africa before moving to Germany, and finally becoming our Partnerships Manager this past August. Tell us a bit about yourself! I grew up in London before moving out to Essex. Dad is from Northern Ireland, Mum is from the West Country (Somerset) in the...

February 23, 2021

OTGS December and January News

The Holiday season is always busy so we packed our December and January news into one post. Toolset Blocks 1.4 is live with cutting-edge new features! We're also in the middle of WPML 4.5.0 development which will introduce a whole new translation workflow. Plus, we have a whole new directory of WPML-recommended themes. Toolset News January has been a fantastic month for Toolset. After several weeks of development and almost a full month of testing, we released Toolset Blocks 1.4...

February 3, 2021

Dario Jazbec Hrvatin’s path from in-development tester to Documentation Team leader

This month, we are highlighting Dario, who joined OnTheGoSystems in April 2014 as an in-development tester. He is now a Documentation Team leader for WPML and Toolset. Dario, what was your exact position when you started? I started in 2014 as the first in-development tester on the company. I guess I did well as we hired more testers after that. :) I was a tester for our Toolset plugins but through testing, I got to know WPML a lot as...

January 20, 2021

Irina Sozonova on the “challenging and rewarding” work of balancing a career with raising a young family

Our December Star of the Month explains how working at OntheGoSystems has helped her achieve her goals of owning a home and raising three young children. Irina Sozonova’s career with OntheGoSystems started as a translator for the translation service ICanLocalize. She found translation work to be addicting and worked hard to “provide the utmost quality translations to clients because they were important.” She joined the ICanLocalize support team in June 2013 as a support assistant. Over time, her tasks have...

January 20, 2021

Honoring Helena Petridou on her retirement

We celebrate virtual birthdays, we share our Star of the Month and summaries of our company events, among others, but this is the first time we have someone retiring at OnTheGoSystems. Helena has been our Administrative Assistant for several years, and we all highlight her kindness to everyone, her professionalism and lovely attitude in her day to day. OnTheGoSystems is a completely remote company from the very start but this didn't prevent us from honoring our Dear Helena Petridou on...

December 30, 2020