OnTheGoSystems News

OTGS May News

In May, we released our big new version of the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin and a new version of Toolset that brings PHP 8 compatibility. We also continued working on great projects with our partners. WPML News WordPress 6.0 was released on May 24th so our WPML team made sure we are 100% compatible with it. Thanks to the in-depth testing we do for all WordPress releases, our developers managed to catch an important issue. It...

May 31, 2022

How To Set Healthy Boundaries At Work

Remote workers often have difficulty establishing a healthy work/life balance. Without a distinction between the workspace and personal space, work can easily start to feel like a 24/7 affair. This can lead to unnecessary stress and eventually, burnout. That’s why we encourage maintaining a healthy work-life balance and the importance of creating work boundaries. This month, we’re sharing some tips for a good working environment to help us live the best life we possibly can while doing our favorite jobs....

May 27, 2022

Happy and Healthy People Behind WPML and Toolset Plugins – Part V

Here at OnTheGoSystems, we offer more than just the freedom to work from wherever. We also give our people the freedom to expand their mindset by pursuing various interests and passions. Our team is made up of 100 people from all over the world and we’re doing our best to embrace each person's individuality. This is why we go the extra mile and provide all OnTheGoSystems members with yearly allowances for things they love to do. The concept of staying...

May 18, 2022

Kathy Banach on Off-the-Beaten-Path Experiences and What Being a Writer Really Means

Star of the Month Kathy Banach tells us about her experiences of living in different countries around the world and shares her tips for becoming a better writer. Kathy, tell us about yourself I suppose I’m what you’d call a global citizen of the world. I’m originally from New York, where I lived up until my early teen years. I then moved to Lodz, Poland. I finished my schooling there and embarked on a journey into the unknown by moving...

May 17, 2022

OTGS April News

In April, we mostly continued focusing on finishing bigger projects. This includes the next major versions of WPML, WooCommerce Multilingual, and Toolset. WPML News Our main focus in April continued to be the work on the next major release, 4.6. It will bring the new Language Switcher block and a completely revamped user interface for our OTGS Installer plugin. In parallel with the development for that major release, we worked on various issues reported by our clients. Additionally, we fixed...

May 3, 2022

Abdallah Deeb on Removing Obstacles and Why Remote Work Is the Way To Go

Star of the Month Abdallah Deeb tells us about how his love for computers started, working smarter, and who’s the boss in his house. Abdallah, tell us about yourself. I am from Lebanon, born and bred in Beirut city. During my teens, I discovered my interest in technology. PCs were just starting to be affordable, so my brothers and I pooled our allowances together every month to buy a 386 computer in installments. As soon as we bought our computer,...

April 25, 2022

Hanging Out By The Red Sea: A Workation For Our Remote Teams

What happens when you combine adventures and travels with work? Some of our teammates traveled to El Gouna, Egypt to find out. OnTheGoSystems is a born remote company, so it should come as no surprise that we’re strong believers in the benefits of working remotely. Today though, we want to focus on something else: the benefits of meeting your remote teammates in person. Due to COVID, everyone was forced to work from home for quite a while. With more and...

April 4, 2022

OTGS March News

In March, all our teams were busy with bigger, ongoing projects. This includes better workflow for using external translators in WPML, as well as new compatibility with popular themes. WPML News One of our biggest projects at the moment is to make it easier to work with external translators. We are working on completely revamping the tables listing translation jobs. Besides easier management of translation jobs, it will allow users to see the exact cost of each job. Additionally, users...

April 4, 2022

The Remote Worker’s Guide to Eating Your Way to Productivity

As a born-remote company, OnTheGoSystems may not have an office kitchen (or an office for that matter). That doesn’t mean we don’t understand the importance of staying healthy in the workplace. You’ve probably heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But it turns out that eating healthy isn’t just good for your body - it’s also beneficial for your mind. A healthy diet is known to reduce the risk of illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes....

April 1, 2022

How We Switched to Functional Programming for Our Flagship Product

We’re always looking for ways to improve WPML. After some thought, we decided it was time for us to make the switch to functional programming. More and more developers are choosing functional programming for large-scale projects because of how predictable it is. If you’ve tried this programming paradigm, you may have found the simpler code easier to debug and maintain. Maybe you’ve seen a shift in your mindset. In functional programming, your focus is on what to do rather than...

March 25, 2022