OnTheGoSystems Team Member Stories

Abdallah Deeb – a Systems Development and Maintainance specialist

June 2, 2016

Beirut, the Paris of the Middle East - fast-paced, fashion-conscious, crowded, almost chaotic, but its friendly hospitality is really irresistible....

Jakub Milczarek – an UX specialist

May 10, 2016

Science lectures for kids He’s the biggest handsome man in the company!  Who is he?  Why,...

Mohammed Eisa – a versatile supporter working for WPML and Toolset clients

April 7, 2016

Mohammed Eisa I am standing on the Corniche (Al-Kurnīsh), the promenade running along the Eastern harbor....

Bruce Pearson – a senior developer

March 9, 2016

Rugged in appearance but softly spoken with a distinct Australian drawl – who in the OTGS family immediately comes to...

Ahmed Ibrahim – a talented supporter who helps WPML clients

February 5, 2016

Ahmed is working with the WPML support team and he also supports our Translation Services clients. He enjoys living at...

Konstantinos Kouratoras – an in-development tester from Greece who proves that big dreams are great to follow

December 18, 2015

Konstantinos is an in-development tester in Toolset Team living on a small Greek island. In today's interview with Helena he...

Konrad Karpieszuk – a developer who tests WordPress plugins for WPML compatibility

October 30, 2015

Konrad is a quiet spoken man from Poland. You would be surprised how rich in experiences his life is. He...

Shane Campbell – a Toolset support expert who traveled for 3 days to meet his colleagues

October 19, 2015

On an everyday basis he works on the Toolset Support Team, doing his work remotely from home in Jamaica. At...

Selena Salustri is a vivacious Italian girl with a charming accent.  Selena tells us something about her life….

September 11, 2015

Selena Salustri is a vivacious Italian girl with a charming accent. She joined OTGS in December 2014 as an in-dev...

Proxy Team – the people who opened WPML for external translation services

August 13, 2015

Proxy Team. It might sound odd to some, to others, mysterious and intriguing. However, you will be surprised to find...

Living with 10MBit internet connection and no running water – the priorities of a Views plugin developer

August 7, 2015

Passionate about hiking and code refactoring at the same time. If you are following our news you might have noticed...

Scuba diving with WPML – meet Vuk from Serbia, a developer who literally takes WPML everywhere!

August 3, 2015

Back in May 2014, shortly after joining the company, Vuk posted this photo . At the time we simply thought...