OnTheGoSystems News

Cultivating a Creative and Inclusive Remote Workplace Culture

Creating a company culture that’s inclusive and supportive is vital for employee wellbeing and performance, even more so when your workforce is remote. But finding creative ways to interact, collaborate, and explore can be challenging. OnTheGoSystems was “born remote”, so we’ve always recognized the importance of nurturing a social and collaborative environment. From daily warm-up exercises and virtual coffee breaks to annual company-wide competitions and incentives, we always support strong communication and creative, inclusive interaction. And it often involves expressing...

July 30, 2021

How Working Remotely Helps Bruno Pursue Sports, Family & Travel Goals

Bruno Kos has been involved with WordPress since 2009 and a member of the OntheGoSystems support team since 2018. The husband and father of three is a firm believer in remote work - since he was a former freelancer before joining the OTGS, he has only ever worked remotely! We caught up with him to find out what he likes most about it. What kinds of hobbies are you able to pursue in the time you save commuting? I’m very...

July 20, 2021

OTGS June Update

From complete performance reviews and deep fixes in the Toolset plugins, to preparing for the much-anticipated launch of WPML 4.5 – June has been productive and exciting! Plus, some great new partnerships have developed, including integration with a new German language service provider. Toolset News During June, the Toolset development team focused mainly on two areas: bugs and usability. One key milestone of the month was a complete review of the performance and usability for the View block, which is...

June 30, 2021

Laura Carletti on How a Lifetime of Curiosity Leads to “Aha!” Moments

There are some people whose career choice makes perfect sense when looking back at their childhood interests. That’s the case with May’s Star of the Month, Laura Carletti. Her interests in languages, the internet, WordPress, and a strong sense of curiosity set her up perfectly for her role as the Chat Leader and 1st tier supporter on WPML’s rockstar support team! A childhood filled with curiosity I was born and raised in Rome, where I still live with my wife....

June 22, 2021

Born Remote – A Unique Advantage in 2021

The future of work is changing. Whether that future includes mainly remote, in-office, or flexible and hybrid work depends on individual companies’ decisions. However, the advantages of remote work might just be worth the effort. Flexible Working Vs. Remote Working Many top tech companies intend to pursue flexible working, so employees can do most of their work from home. An article by the BBC explains how they still need to come into the office a few times a week or...

June 3, 2021

OTGS May News

Stability, performance, and usability of our products are super important and in May, we focused on these for both Toolset and WPML. We also continued working with partners on promoting the many new integrations and compatibility for both plugins. Toolset News During May, the Toolset team focused on stability and performance, completing two minor updates for the 1.5 main release last month. The new View editor in Blocks 1.5.2 works on the front-end and delivers a much faster and smoother...

June 2, 2021

How Sandra de Pablo Lopez stays organized while leaving space for spontaneity

May’s Star of the Month is Sandra de Pablo Lopez, the Project Manager on our Systems team! She joined OntheGoSystems in September 2020, and in those eight months, she is already well known in the company for her positivity, organization skills, and fearlessness in taking on complex initiatives. Tell us a bit about yourself! I was born in Madrid, and I currently live here in Madrid. I met my husband, Jose Manuel, when I was 21 working as a receptionist...

May 24, 2021

OTGS April News

For us, this April didn't just bring rain but also a big new release of Toolset. We're also on the brink of releasing a beta for our next WPML milestone. Finally, we improved compatibility and made some great new partnerships across the board. Toolset News In April, we completed an important milestone and released Toolset 1.5. Its focus is on three major topics: Extended features and improvements for WooCommerce Compatibility with third-party themes and plugins Performance improvements ahead of the...

May 3, 2021

Ahmed Ibrahim’s motivational journey to WPML Integration Developer

Ahmed, tell us about yourself  My name is Ahmed Ibrahim, I was born and currently live in Alexandria, Egypt. My family consists of four members, one of whom is my little sister, and I'm engaged and will be married soon. When I was 18 years old I moved to Cairo to join the faculty of Computers and Information. I spent about 8 years there studying and working. I intended to continue my life there, because Cairo is the capital of...

April 21, 2021

OTGS March News

In March, we kicked into high gear and entered the finishing phase of our next big projects. Toolset is on the verge of a new release while WPML is wrapping up the main development for the next major update. Toolset News March has been a long and productive month for the Toolset team. We are very close to releasing a huge beta version, closely followed by the official release. This will be a major update, focused on WooCommerce compatibility, along...

April 2, 2021