OnTheGoSystems News

Dario Jazbec Hrvatin – working for OnTheGoSystems is something more than a career

My name is Dario Jazbec Hrvatin and I'm in charge of the documentation for all OnTheGoSystems projects. Here's a little story about me and about what it is like working remotely. A bit about my background Ice skating with my daughter Gloria I live in Slovenia, with my wife, our daughter, and the cutest little chihuahua called Mrfi (as in Murphy). When I was young, I always wanted to be a musician. I guess music was, and still is, in...

February 11, 2020

OTGS January News

OnTheGoSystems had a great end to 2019 with the much-anticipated launch of Toolset Blocks. But we haven’t rested on our laurels at the start of 2020! Find out below what our busy teams have been working on in January. What’s new in WPML? We are completing the work for WPML 4.3.7 which we were planning to release at the end of January, but had to move to the beginning of February. As mentioned in the last update, this release allows...

January 28, 2020

OTGS December News

Happy New Year from the OnTheGoSystems Team! We’re sharing our News from December. This will be a shorter update as many of our members as well as our partners have been enjoying their holiday time with their loved ones. What’s new in WPML? In December, we released WPML 4.3.6 to resolve some compatibility issues with PHP 7.4. We have also worked on another minor version of WPML (4.3.7) to implement a functionality that allows transferring the account renewal to clients....

January 13, 2020

Otto Wald – is it possible to develop your career while working from home?

Working from home, will you become “invisible”? How can you impress your team and team leader and get good performance reviews and promotions? This month’s Employee of the Month, Otto Federico Wald from Argentina.

January 9, 2020

OTGS November News

November has been a month of great news at OnTheGoSystems! In the last year, we’ve rewritten Toolset to run inside the WordPress Block Editor. This is live now!

December 10, 2019

Irina Sozonova – the importance of self-discipline when working remotely

Much has been written on the importance of self-discipline when working from home, but how can these good tips be applied practically and consistently? Let’s learn how Irina Sozonova, who has been working at OnTheGoSystems since 2013, handles this important aspect in her work and in her family life. This is the third time she has been voted Employee of the Month!  Irina, you are a mother of 3 and with a newborn. If anyone wakes up to a busy...

December 9, 2019

Pierre Sylvestre – successfully combining a full-time career with being a caring father

What’s it like supporting a growing family as a divorced parent? In this day and age, broken families are a common occurrence. This month’s Employee of the Month, Pierre Sylvestre, explains how working remotely for OTGS has benefited his family.

November 15, 2019

Cross-Cultural Cake Days at OnTheGoSystems

As a fully remote business, it’s really important for us to bring the team together as much as possible. That’s not easy when our team is spread across the world, and everyone’s so busy. So at OTGS, we’re hosting monthly online birthday parties for a bit of extra social activity.

November 4, 2019

OTGS October News

It's been another great month at OnTheGoSystems! We released WPML 4.3.0 version with improved Automatic Translation, and with Toolset, we are moving to a new and revamped website-building experience.

October 28, 2019

OnTheGoSystems Came Together in the Name of Art

This month we had our first ever art contest at OnTheGoSystems. There’s a tremendous amount of talent to be explored at OTGS and we wanted to do just that. We’ve received some outstanding submissions from all styles of art, and we were really impressed with the effort our contestants put it. We featured five selected artworks from various fields; photography, intelligent imaging, instrumental and automated music. The competition ran from September until mid-October and voting closed just last week. You can...

October 24, 2019