OnTheGoSystems News

OTGS September News

The summer period is usually a slow one but it certainly wasn´t here at OnTheGoSystems! We have been busy with lots of improvements and additions to WPML, Toolset and ICanLocalize. Rewards program Remember our rewards program for WPML is now live and allows you to earn points every time you use our partner translations services to translate your content. Our guide to using professional translation via WPML will show you how to find your perfect partner service. What’s coming Contractors’...

October 2, 2018

Employee of the month – Julia Kovaleva

Julia is a very talented designer.  Not only that, but she is quick to understand what is required and always meets the deadlines set for her. Julia, tell us about yourself. I was born in Minsk, Belarus. This is not a very large country and is bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania.  Many years ago my country was known as White Russia. Maybe because the local Slavs used to wear white clothing or perhaps to contrast the mainly...

September 21, 2018

New features and improvements to WPML, Toolset, and ICanLocalize

It may be the summer but things never slow down at OnTheGoSystems! We have been as busy as ever with new changes to give you the best service possible. Each month we provide you with an update of all the recent improvements and additions to WPML, Toolset and ICanLocalize, as well as any new offerings. WPML New services and offers Multilingual WordPress Packages A multilingual website for your business will help you get clients from any country that you would...

August 30, 2018

Beda Schmid

Well, you’ve already read how Beda’s close colleagues feel about him, one of our dedicated Toolset supporters.  We know his name, we know his work, but how much do we know of the real Beda? Beda with Jacqueline, his ex-girlfriend, in 2012 Beda comes from Switzerland, from Lucerne, the elder son in a family of four.  Do we find him comfortably living and working in idyllic Alpine scenery? Far from it! Beda is a nomad, not...

August 30, 2018

David Garcia

Do you find satisfaction in your job?  What is the secret of finding happiness in your work? David, one of our developers in the Compatibility Team, has discovered the secret. See if you can find out through his story. David,  it is so nice to have the opportunity to talk with you again.  That was back in the autumn of 2016. A lot has happened since then. OTGS has grown and expanded and many new people have joined us. I’m...

August 6, 2018

Sumit Singh

Random click with best buddies Can you identify with Sumit Singh, this month’s Employee of the Month? It’s 6.30 am in Agra, India and time for a ‘wake up’ cup of tea. Sumit’s workday begins at 10 am, so there is still plenty of time to take some exercise. He is very dedicated to his work and his knowledge of the intricacies of the WPML code is well rooted. He takes escalated issues and follows through...

August 6, 2018

WCEU BELGRADE Onthegosystems’ experience at WordCamp Europe 2018

It’s become a tradition! Every year OTGSians based in Europe wait anxiously for the next edition of WordCamp Europe, the biggest WordPress event on the continent. Being part of a 100% remote company, we enjoy every opportunity we have to physically spend time together. For this 2018 edition, 15 members from OTGS were able to attend the event in Belgrade. We came from Poland, Spain, Israel, Italy, Greece, France, Slovenia, Bulgaria and of course, our resident teammates who just couldn’t...

June 26, 2018

Kostas Kouratoras

When is an employee highly valued by his colleagues? When he ... is very knowledgeable, is very detailed in his work, knows how to move from strict to flexible and is always totally reliable Konstantinos Kouratoras tries not to disappoint his colleagues’ opinions of himself.  Kostas (as everyone calls him) comes from Crete, so let’s meet him: Me wandering around the streets of Brugges Kostas, what did you want to be when growing up? I grew...

May 29, 2018

Remote Work on Land, Water, and Wheels

Who said that remote work was all about working from home? What are the nicest or, even, the weirdest places you can imagine yourself working from remotely? The most typical place to work from is home, true. This is a great advantage if you want to move to other cities or countries to experience new cultures, as well as if you really need to relocate for personal reasons.  As Nigel Anderson, one of our Toolset Supporters, -told us, “working remotely...

May 17, 2018

Happy and healthy people behind WPML and Toolset plugins – Part II

We all work remotely and keeping a good work-life balance is important for OnTheGoSystems, and our scholarship program continues to promote it. Last year we had this post about how our company members are using this program where we also explained what the program was exactly about. We want to focus more on “doing” things, whether that’s courses people have always wanted to try or taking part in enjoyable activities to become healthier and/or more physically active. In all, we...

April 18, 2018