OnTheGoSystems News

Living with 10MBit internet connection and no running water – the priorities of a Views plugin developer

Passionate about hiking and code refactoring at the same time. If you are following our news you might have noticed that developers working here have unique combinations of interests. However there is something extraordinary about Jan Štětina, the Views plugin developer from Czech Republic. He is completing his master’s thesis, lives in three different places during the year and proves that as long as there is a good internet connection, having no running water is a mere marginal issue! Find...

August 7, 2015

Scuba diving with WPML – meet Vuk from Serbia, a developer who literally takes WPML everywhere!

Back in May 2014, shortly after joining the company, Vuk posted this photo . At the time we simply thought that he was just good at photoshopping! He explained that the photo is real and he did indeed take the wpml.org logo under the water when scuba diving in Kalamitsi, Greece. Now, after more than a year of having Vuk Vukovic with us in the company, we all have come to know that he has many talents! Stay with us...

August 3, 2015

The beginnings of a remote global company

WPML and Toolset plugins are recognised brands by thousands of WordPress fans today. But only few people know that the company started with just one person. Soon after 5 other people joined. Today we share 6 pictures and 6 stories of people who joined OnTheGoSystems over 4 years ago. Stay with us to see who played a very important part in the growth of the company.   Amir Helzer - from Israel Amir Helzer - from...

July 30, 2015

Celebrating a birthday party online. Refuting a myth of remote work and feeling alone

If you tell your friends, uncles, and aunts that you work remotely from home, the first questions they will probably ask you will be: “Don’t you feel alone? Don’t you miss contacting people?” No, we don’t feel alone at all. We are in contact with our co-workers every day, and we even celebrate birthday parties online! Stay with us to see some unique pictures you won’t see anywhere else. Today was our WPML team leader’s birthday ...

March 18, 2015

WordCamps we attended as speakers and co-organizers in 2014

We are a part of WordPress community and actively involved in attending WordCamps and other WordPress conferences both as speakers and organizers. We also run WordPress workshops. If you want us to be speakers at your event we will be happy to join. See what WordCamp events we attended in the year 2014. Dat Hoang Dat Hoang, Vietnam Dat was a speaker at the WordCamp Hanoi, Vietnam's First WordCamp! Dat has been the organizer and speaker...

January 7, 2015