OnTheGoSystems News

“Ich bin ein WordCamper!” (“ I am a WordCamper!”)

Last week, more than 20 OTGSians attended WordCamp Europe 2019 (WCEU) in Berlin. Berlin is a city full of contrast, from its history to its design and its architecture. The atmosphere is very unique. We traveled from 12 different countries, that’s what we can call a multicultural get-together, isn’t it? But before digging into our WordCamp experience, let’s share a few thoughts and photos about Berlin, a truly inspiring city and an ideal place to talk about the future of the web!...

June 26, 2019

Employee of the Month – Alejandro Sanchez

Never give up pursuing your dreams. Our employee of the month this time is Alejandro Sanchez who grew up in turbulent Venezuela and faced many disadvantages. We hope his story will inspire you. Alejandro says that Venezuela is currently experiencing serious problems with food and water shortages as people struggle to get by. He says he had to get used to growing up in a dangerous environment but was able to get by and was even living comfortably. When he...

June 13, 2019

OTGS May News

We started the development cycle for WPML 4.3.0 which will bring an important new feature (we will share more soon). Toolset Blocks is also evolving at great speed and we just released a new stable beta for it. Want to find out what else May had in store for you? Toolset News In May, we continued working very hard on supporting and extending our Toolset plugins and evolving our library of Toolset Blocks. Our plugins got some important updates. Types...

May 29, 2019

Employee of the Month – Luis Sacristan

Toolset is a package of plugins that helps you create amazing WordPress websites fast. Everything is done from the WordPress backend using the user interface. No programming skills required. The Toolset development team has created powerful building blocks with friendly documentation and demos. You can start with ready-to-go site templates and create your own complete websites - Travel Destinations, Directories, WooCommerce online stores, Real Estate properties, Magazine, and Brochure sites. Would you like to learn more about what it’s like...

May 16, 2019

OTGS April News

This month we are proud to announce a brand new way of building Toolset-based sites that will allow our customers to produce beautiful designs with the full power of Toolset. We released the new Toolset Blocks - our new Integration with the Block Editor which allows building beautiful sites with dynamic content without using code or shortcodes. More Toolset News We released the first beta for our Toolset Blocks project on April 10th, which aims to ease the creation and...

April 29, 2019

Employee of the Month – Danijel Erjavec

Looking for a remote job that is legitimate and flexible? Many of us are looking for the perfect job which is steady, has a guaranteed salary and flexible working conditions. The good news is those roles do exist. Daniel Erjavec found one at OnTheGoSystems and he is our employee of the month. My family and our pet dog Daniel comes from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. He is married to Martina and they have an 8 year-old son and a...

April 25, 2019

OTGS March News

March has seen some exciting updates across the company, from new releases planned for WPML, updates in ICanLocalize, to brand new developments in Toolset that will be announced soon. We can share a sneak peak now before the official Toolset release in the coming weeks. WPML Update Last month, we announced that we had resumed the development of 4.3.0. However, in the last couple of weeks, we've gathered several comments about the user experience with the Advanced Translation Editor which...

March 29, 2019

Employee of the Month – Przemysław Mirota

Working remotely – are there opportunities for career growth? Do you like the idea of working from home, but want to advance your career? Working remotely could mean that you are stuck in the doldrums – plodding on with the knowledge and tasks you were hired for. Not so at OnTheGoSystems as Przemysław Mirota from Poland can personally testify. Przemyslaw sightseeing in Croatia When I started out as a web developer, I found writing a lot of HTML/CSS/JS boring. Since...

March 26, 2019

OTGS February News

February has been a busy month and we would like to share with you some of the biggest updates within OnTheGoSystems. WPML Update After the release of 4.2.0, we released two other hotfix versions to resolve some bugs. We are moving back to WPML 4.3.0 development which is focused on some usability improvements as well as users' feature requests, such as: The ability to translate the login/registration pages. The ability to translate terms meta. Remembering the language visitor’s last used...

March 1, 2019

Employee of the Month – Mohamed Khafaja

When remote colleagues become close friends. Can this happen? People who work together in a physical environment easily cultivate friendships during their coffee breaks or when sharing lunch together. But what about remote workers where hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of kilometers separate them? Imagine you are working with people living in New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Serbia, Croatia, Spain and as far west as Argentina. How can you possibly become close friends? Mohamed Khafaja has discovered the secret! Tell us about...

February 21, 2019